Question: “Is it OK to keep medicine on-hand to give employees as needed
(e.g.,Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, Motrin)? I keep these meds on my desk
(as do a lot of...
If you don’t have one, consider adding a general honesty or misrepresentation clause to your employee handbook. Such a clause can come in handy when you are...
The ADA protects job applicants from discrimination based on disability, and one of these protections is the right to be free from medical tests or examinations as part...
Q. During the busiest period of the year, a veteran employee asked for time off to attend her nephew’s graduation. After being turned down, she called in sick on...
Q. We are considering applicants for a management position, including several internal applicants. Our policy is to obtain background checks on all candidates from a...
Q. We have a nonunion shop. It is not uncommon for our employees to insist that they have the right to have a witness present during investigatory interviews and...
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) recently agreed to tell the IRS about employers that fail to properly pay state unemployment insurance taxes. The TWC joins 28 other...
You don't want to hover over your people. But what do you do when an employee needs help--and won't ask for it? Start by imagining what will happen if you do nothing.
Q. Our company’s vacation policy provides that once an employee earns 240 hours (or 30 days) of vacation, no additional vacation may be accrued until the balance...
Q. We’re a small company with about 45 employees, but we have another 20 employees who are temporary. Do we have to count the temps when complying with the EEO or...
Talented, high-energy employees can deliver spectacular results. They can also irritate other employees, be generally disruptive, and undermine your authority.
A recent Gallup Poll says less than one-third of U.S. employees are actively engaged in their jobs. That’s why it’s important for managers to watch for the...
Question: “One of our employees has asked her manager if she can 'job share.'
Instead of working full time, she’d work three days, another person
While employees can file negligent-hiring and supervision claims when they suffer trauma at the hands of a rude and crude supervisor, such cases rarely end badly for...